[NEW DATE SOON ] 23rd Of April - Energy Mindfulness Versus Energy Management

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When you know your basics on how to stay fit and vital but you just had enough with the stress you keep on encountering . Then let’s talk tactics in term of mindfulness and meditation. If you are aware of the benefits and might have practice once or twice and not afraid of doing things different; then this is your workshop to attend. Club Mondain is an expert in coaching people to create a healthy lifestyle wherever they are. We are supporting people that experience high ambition, creating long term goals with short term peak moments and are aware that not taking care of your body and mind- can cost more than just your career. A price of health and social context our clients are not willing to pay. Even better, they come from positive flow, creating habits that do empower them in the long run. In 2.5 hours we will get you from your space into a space for a healthy lifestyle to be created again and again while using practical tools out of the meditation and mindfulness life. Price € 75,00 p.p. Workshop: Energy mindfulness When : April 23rd Time: 9:30 - 12:00 Where: Amsterdam Exact location are to be confirmed This workshop is part of a 5-series where you dive deeper into meditation and mindfulness Would you like to know more about the 5-series or do you want a workshop for your company, contact us.


Address : Amsterdam, Nederland

Website : Go To Website

Category : Healthy Space,Workshops and Training

Location : Amsterdam , Netherlands

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